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Authorches Explain Decision

 Vibrate www.w -interpersonal justice the perceived fairness of the treatment received by employees from authorities . -respect rule : authorities treat employees in a dignified and sincere manner . -propriety rule :

 authorities refrain from making improper or offensive remarks interpersonally unjust actions create abusive supervision : sustained display at hostile verbal and non - verbal behaviors , excluding physical contact informational justice : the perceived fairness of the communications provided t employees from authorities justification rule : authorches explain decision - making procedures and outcomes in a comprehensive and reasonable manner -truthfulness rule : those communications be honest and condid . - all four justices have strong correlations with employee trust levels ethics : -prescriptive in nature : 

how people ought to act using various codes and principa -dominent lens in discussions of legal ethics , medical ethics , and much of ecommiss -anscriptive in nature : have people tend to act based on certain individual and situational characteristics -dominent les in psychology unethical behavion : behavior that clearly violates accepted norms of morality merely ethical behavior : behavior that adheres to some minimally accepted standard of morality especially ethical behavior : behaviors that exceed some minimally accepted tandard of morality whistle - blowing : 

former or current employees expose illegal or immoral actions by their organization ir - component model of ethical decision making argues that ethical sult from a multistage sequence : moral awareness : authority recognizes that a moral issue exists

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