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Historical study for femail

Prologue I SECTION REVIEW A whatshatory and when did it emerge as discipline ? World history is the Naturical study of ethnic groups , civilizations , and humanity from the earliest times to the present , it includes all of the important past events throughout the world from human experience . It shows how humankind has changed over time . World History can be the stories of how people , culture , ideas , and goods spread around the world from ancient times to middle ages to modern times . In other words , world history is the study of human society from the past to the present . There were many historians studied about the developments of their own societies . Later on , world history . started to merge as a discipline . In the 20th century , many countries were interested about historical study . They started to spread out this study their people und the world . The historiars in each society try to develop their own country to know about their culture by making people study in a subject about World history . 8. What is the problem with using civilizations is an organizing principle ? Every culture has its own civilization Civilization is a type of human culture , or Society . 
Many historians attempted to study about their own civilizations the most . They did not only research about the most important historical events that happened in the past . 

They also researched about lesser - kooun events that led to some of the important events . But sometimes they might gain different informations than the others . The problem is , when they found different in formations that happened in the past , there would be disagreements between those historians . Because they were from different avilizations and the people in the past might write different informations .

 For example , " And they angue about world history frameworks : hou centros European actions should be in the world history of the pase 500 years , and whether a standard process of modernization is useful or distorting in measuring developments in modern Turkey or China . " ( eg : Stearns , p.xxix ) They might not know which country the owner of the literature , art , music , and architecture . c . How do historians organize chronologies and periods in world history ? 

World history usually tells about important stuff from larger societies . Historians organize chronalogies and periods in world history by using the calendars , or dating systems . These calendars were created by the people in the past , so the historian will be able to measure time . The calendars include many

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