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Female Variations In the morning

 SA PICMA SENSEI My handwriting Hello ! This is my best nanantiting . I constantly get comments on it , so I hope you enjoy 11 The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER THE LAZY DOG . I find it weira that my hands have to " warm up " for .. my handwriting to be its best . My nandricting is usually the worst in the morning , and usuany gets bemer in the ofternoon , or after I am .

 " warmed up . " Variations In the morning : The quick brown foxSA PICMA SENSEI My handwriting Hello ! This is my best nanantiting . I constantly get comments on it , so I hope you enjoy 11 The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER THE LAZY DOG . I find it weira that my hands have to " warm up " for .. my handwriting to be its best . My nandricting is usually the worst in the morning , and usuany gets bemer in the ofternoon , or after I am . 

" warmed up . " Variations In the morning : The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog . Cursive The quick brown for jumps over the lazy dog Small : The quick brown for jumps over the lazy dog Large : The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog . Wide : The Quick brown for jumps over the lazy dog Norcow : The quick brown for jumps over the lozy dog . I find that my handwriting is the neatest when I waite with felt - tipped fineliner pens ( preferably ≤.0.7 mm ) . When I write with parpoint pens , my handwriting becomes noticeably mare bubbly and rounded . It also becomes noticeably worse when I write on paper without lines . 

As a calligrapher , it becomes hind of obligatory to have teauy neat handwriting . I find it easy to immitate cancgraphy fonts , but difficult to imitate printed fonts , but I can still manage to do so . -Reese jumps over the lazy dog . Cursive The quick brown for jumps over the lazy dog Small : The quick brown for jumps over the lazy dog Large : The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog . Wide : The Quick brown for jumps over the lazy dog Norcow : The quick brown for jumps over the lozy dog . I find that my handwriting is the neatest when I waite with felt - tipped fineliner pens ( preferably ≤.0.7 mm ) . When I write with parpoint pens , my handwriting becomes noticeably mare bubbly and rounded . It also becomes noticeably worse when I write on paper without lines . 

As a calligrapher , it becomes hind of obligatory to have teauy neat handwriting . I find it easy to immitate cancgraphy fonts , but difficult to imitate printed fonts , but I can still manage to do so . -Reese

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