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Gifts of a Journal by Steve Leveen Do you keep a journal ? How about old correspondence ? Biographers will tell you that diaries and Letters provide some of the best insights into their subject matters and also do good things for their authors .

 Yet in my dozens of interviews with successful people , only a few kept such personal histories - although many more wished they did . In his biography of John Adams , the historian David Mc Cullough draws from more than a thousand private letters between Adams and his wife , Abigail , as well as from their diaries .

 You gain a sense that their letters were not merely a record of their lives , but of life itself . Abigail admitted that she could sometimes say things in perss writing more easily than in person .

 She got more opportunity than she wished to write her " Dearest Friend , " as she affectionately addressed her husband , given their many years of separation when Adams was posted in Europe . - -Keith Deshaies , 2/18/04 ( Faurly fast ; probably 10 minutes )

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